Medical Staff Committees

The UCSF Medical Staff Committees listed below are outlined in section 7.4 of the UCSF Medical Staff Bylaws.

For additional information on the UCSF Medical Staff Committees, please refer to the UCSF Medical Staff Bylaws or contact our office at 415.885.7268.

Governance (Committees)

A graphic laying out the Medical Staff Committee structure can be found here.

UCSF Medical Staff Committees Committee Chair Reports to:
Ad Hoc Investigations (Physician Review Board) Medical Staff Immediate-Past President
(Jade Hiramoto, MD) and Maria Raven, MD
Executive Medical Board (EMB)
Bylaws Committee

Medical Staff Immediate-Past President
(Jade Hiramoto, MD)

Executive Medical Board (EMB)
Committee on Interdisciplinary Practice (CIDP) Ivette Becerra-Ortiz, NP Executive Medical Board (EMB)
Committee on Professionalism (CoP) Bill Dillon, MD and Priya Kathpalia, MD Executive Medical Board (EMB)
Credentials Committee Medical Staff President-Elect
(Rosanna Wustrack, MD)
Executive Medical Board (EMB)
Executive Medical Board (EMB) Medical Staff President
(Lee Atkinson-McEvoy, MD)
Governance Advisory Council (GAC)
Governance Advisory Council (GAC) Chancellor
(Sam Hawgood, MBBS)
UC Board of Regents
Nominating Committee Contact Cheryl Lew Executive Medical Board (EMB)
Patient Safety Committee (PSC) Susan Lambe, MD and Deb Franzon, MD

Executive Medical Board (EMB)

Executive Medical Board (EMB)

Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee (P&T) David Shimabukuro, MD Executive Medical Board (EMB)
Physician Well Being Committee (PWBC)

Jeffray Sall, MD and Charles Irwin, MD

Executive Medical Board (EMB)
Risk Management Committee (RMC) Neal Cohen, MD Executive Medical Board (EMB)
Quality Improvement Executive Committee (QIEC) Kanti Kolli, MD and Amy Lu, MD Executive Medical Board (EMB)


2024 Committee Dates